Geographical Influences

Vietnam has often been described as a "pearl necklace" perched on the edge of Indochina.The Mekong branches out into the South China Sea below Ho Chi Minh City and serves as a highway for boat traffic and trade. Its source is a stream in the Tibetan Himalayas, from where it tumbles down through steep gorges in south-western China , through the jungles of Laos and Cambodia until it flows at a leisurely pace through the lush pastures of southern Vietnam.As the Vietnamese will l point out,their co entry is shaped like a don ganh,the traditiona l bamboo pole that is slung over the shou lder with a basket of rice hanging from each end. These basketsrepresent the rice bowls of Vietnam , the Red River Delta in the north and the Mekong Delta in the south, joined by a mounta inous spine. A long coastline and the numerous flowing rivers and streams that ca rve up the land, provide Vietnam with such a vo lume of water
that it has a steady supply of its two most important ingredients: rice and nuoc mam, the fermented fish sauce.

Hanoi, the principa l city in the north , is reputed for its rice rolls, sweet snacks made with mung beans, and its snail dishes. The communa l dish tau, which is often translated as "hotpot" but is in fact more akin to the French meat fondue, is attributed to the north , as is the favouri te nood le soup, pho.


Of all the cities in Vietnam ,there is none so representative of cu lture and learn ing as the historic, garden c ity of Hue. Once the imperial city, Hue was considered the ce ntre of haute cuisine.The emperor Tu Duc, who reigned from 1848 to 1883, demanded ingenuity from his kitchens to create a refined cuisine . To ach ieve this, he expected 50 dishes to be prepared by 50 cooks and se rved by 50 servants at each meal. In Hue today, service remains fo rmal and
food is still presented in many small bowls as if feeding the emperor. Here you might find crab claws stuffed with pork, beef wrapped in wi ld betel leaves, and minced prawns wrapped around sugar ca ne (chao tom). A variety of crops are grown in this part of Vietnam,such as aubergines (eggplants), bitter melons, pumpkins, mangoes, pineapples and arti chokes. Game birds, river f ish and seafood are in abundant supply.

Ho Chi Minh City

Ho Chi Minh City The southern region of Vietnam is characterized by Ho Ch i Minh City,formerly Saigon. At one time the languid Paris of the Orient, it is the centre of commerce and trade. The food relies heavily on the rice bowl and growing pastures of the Mekong Delta, and most produce comes from around Dalat. Just about anything grows here, including avocados, wh ite strawberri es, peaches,ca uliflowers, tomatoes, tropi ca l fruits and sa lad vegetables, al l of which are incorporated in the region 's dishes,which are served with French bread almost as often as with rice or noodl es.Coconuts and suga r ca ne provide the base ingred ients for many dishes.

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